تیم هایدلاینر

Dr. Hooman Rafiee Neishabouri
Started studying and researching in the field of invisible orthodontics since 1396 and participating in various applied-practical courses of Clearaligner in one-day to multi-day workshops Invisalign in the field of digital and Scheu dental in the field of manuals in different cities of Germany (Cologne, Frank Fort, Hamburg , Iserlon), Dubai and Geneva.
- Launching a specialized invisible orthodontic laboratory in 1397 and the beginning of 300 patients, 50 of whom have completed their treatment and about 80 patients are in the final stages of treatment.
Training courses held in this field by Dr. Rafiee:
- One-day invisible orthodontics workshop in the morning and evening at the 14th International Congress of the Iranian Orthodontists Association Aban 1398.
- Clearaligner practical workshop for 45 orthodontists in Azar 1399 by the Iranian Orthodontists Association
- Holding a ten-day virtual course including 9 theoretical days and 1 practical day online for the residents of the School of Dentistry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1399
- Lecture and implementation of an invisible orthodontic workshop for faculty members (specialists and residents) of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Tehran February 2017
- Lecture and implementation of an invisible orthodontic workshop for faculty members (specialists and residents) of the School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran February 2017
Dr. Seyed Mohammad Mousavi
- Graduated in general dentistry in 1394 from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
- Scientific Secretary of the Student Research Committee of Shiraz Dental School, 1392-93
- Specialized orthodontics graduation in 1398 from Kerman University of Medical Sciences
- History of medical activity in Imam Khomeini specialized clinic of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences in Tehran since 1998
- Member of the Research Center for Facial Jaw Abnormalities, Shahid Beheshti Dental School, since 1399
- Member of the Iranian Scientific Dental Association, Fars Province, since 1394
Dr. Seyed Sajad Hosseini Mousavi
- Graduated in general dentistry in 1392 from Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
- Graduate of orthodontics in 1998 from Kerman University of Medical Sciences
- Assistant Professor of Orthodontics, Kerman Dental School, since 1398
- 1392-94 General Dentistry, Ravar Shafa Clinic